Helping You Navigate a Path to Excellence as a FXG Mighty Linehauler

Are You the 1 in 10?

Written by Buzz | Jul 5, 2023 9:18:15 PM

Tips on How to Survive Your 1st yr as an FXG linehauler.

We can't fix the trucking industry, but we can help you become one of the top 10% of drivers at FedEx Ground as a Linehauler.

The Real Deal in Trucking.

The trucking industry isn't great at keeping drivers around. Companies like Western Express, JB Hunt, and Swift are always looking for new drivers because they can't keep the ones they have. FedEx Ground and their Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) are a bit better, but they still face a lot of turnover. The turnover rate is shockingly high for FedEx Ground Linehaul drivers—sometimes around 60% to 70% yearly. Yes, you read that right. As many as eight of the ten drivers you see today will be gone within a year. There's an 80% chance you could be one of them.

Why Do Drivers Leave? Anything and Everything!

Most of the big mistakes happen in your own yard (terminal). It's new to you. It's a hectic place. You're operating in a confined space, and a lot is happening in all directions around you and your vehicles. You need to triple-check every move you make when you're here.

It's easy to become distracted and miss a step in your assembly. Or forget you're trying to be a professional and slip into sloppy, slacker mode. It's easy to do—we all have done it. But when it happens, you must be aware enough to realize and correct it immediately. It's crucial you form good habits around your linehauling work as soon as possible.

I've seen drivers do some things that resulted in their badges being cut off. Yeah, you'll get the message the hard way. You show up for work but can't log in to get your assignment. You're done.

Example of Some of the Common Things That Will Take You Down.

  • Pull off the dock with a trailer open or drop a trailer, and you're done.
  • Pull your trailer into anything else; you're done.
  • Run a stop sign, stop bar, speed over ten mph, and you're done.
  • No headlights or flashers; you're done.
  • Roll with one chain on your dolly tractor hook-up; you're done.
  • Not wearing your hi-viz gear? Yeah, you get the idea.

    And keep your yard card clean. "Yard card, what's that?" you say. For example. Forget that you park a trailer between the lines or leave a dolly in the inbound drop zone, not the dolly lot? When a switcher has to put it away or park it right for you, they mark the check box next to the trailer/dolly number in their app. FXG knows who arrived with that dolly, and guess what? A black mark goes on your yard card. And not a ballpoint one, a big chisel-point Sharpie black mark. If you get reviewed for a rolling stop at a stop sign, and FedEx's wondering what kind of linehauler you are, they get your yard card out. Yeah, it's like that.

Know the rules and make a point of following them; it's easy to do. FXG isn't out to get you, but it's a big mistake to think they'll stand by and let you operate your driving business without following their rules.

OK, now before you tell me you see it all the time so it's OK for you to do it, don't; you're Wrong!

Did you skip over the part about 8 out of 10 drivers going down the road and never returning within year one? That's a big reason why. Yeah, do it, and you'll be one of those. Maybe not the first time, but you'll be done at some point.

Mostly, it's about staying mentally engaged, improving your game daily, and developing solid routines and habits. Planning your exit strategy is also essential. It can take weeks, if not longer, to find another driving job. Companies don't need drivers who got canned because they couldn't manage to operate right in their own backyard!

It's harsh, I know. I know what you did to get your license, which proves that you have the ambition, knowledge, willingness to learn, and the drive to overcome obstacles and focus on doing this right, so we believe in you. It's not really obvious sometimes that doing these things is bad for you, so now you know. Be cool, be a pro. That license in your pocket is a money-making machine. Keep it working; you can live and work almost anywhere in the US anytime. FedEx has around 1,100 terminals in the US and Canada for you to drive from. It's worth over $1mil to you. What else do you have in your pocket like that?

Own Your Pro.

That's why Mighty Linehauler exists—to help drivers master the craft of being a professional. We offer tools, insights, and a community where drivers can share experiences and ideas. We are drivers helping drivers.

Join Us and Succeed. Become the One in Ten.

We don't speak for FedEx Ground or any TSPs. We're dedicated to drivers who want to be the best. Stay powerful on your journey to becoming part of the community that FedEx Ground TSP Linehaulers rely on. Take care, and I'll see you on the road.

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